AAA Return to Play

Arkansas Activities Association Return to Play Protocol UPDATE: (You will now see that the RTP Guidelines are broken into 3 Categories) Category 1: Student Athlete with Asymptomatic or Mild COVID Illness Symptoms – Common cold like symptoms, GI symptoms, loss of taste/smell Parent/Guardian MUST sign consent form for resumption of participation This student athlete no longer will need medical evaluation/clearance required to return to participation This student athlete will no longer have to complete a formal return to play protocol Recommend that 3 days post symptom onset or positive test/prior to returning to school the student athlete can begin light cardiopulmonary exercises (walking, exercise bike) at a submaximal level Recommend medical evaluation if any new/abnormal cardiopulmonary (e.g., chest pain) Category 2: Student Athlete with Moderate Illness or Cardiopulmonary Symptoms WITHOUT Hospitalization Symptoms – Fever >100.4 for more than 4 days, flu-like symptoms (worse than cold-like) > 7 days Parent/Guardian MUST sign consent form for resumption of participation Strongly recommend medical evaluation/clearance, but not required Strongly recommend graduated return to play protocol, but not required Recommend no exercise for at least 5 days from symptom onset or positive test then can begin a light phasing back into activity 12-lead EKG, ECHO should be considered if history of new/abnormal chest pain, pressure, palpitations, syncope, dyspnea, with exertion, or concerns from previous medical history If EKG is abnormal, the student athlete should be referred to cardiology for further evaluation Category 3: Student Athlete with Severe Illness or Hospitalization Symptoms – Prolonged high Fever (>102), chest pain, shortness of breath with exertion Parent/Guardian MAY NOT consent to have the student athlete opt out of the COVID Clearance/RTP protocol Medical evaluation and/or cardiology clearance required prior to return to activity Graduated return to play protocol required after medical clearance obtained NO exercise until medical evaluation Highly recommend 12-lead EKG, ECHO, troponins, or cardia MRI per cardiology recommendations.